Oshkosh Corp (New) Stock Forecast
Recent Oshkosh Corp (New) Stock Price |
Oshkosh Corp (New) Stock Forecast Price |
$111.13 |
 +13.44% |
$126.07 |
As of 2025-02-12
Recent Oshkosh Corp (New) Analyst Ratings Breakdown |
Current |
1 Mo. Ago |
2 Mo. Ago |
3 Mo. Ago |
Strong buy ratings: |
6 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Buy ratings: |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Hold ratings: |
6 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Sell ratings: |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Strong sell ratings: |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Average rating: |
2.14 |
2.29 |
2.29 |
2.29 |
In the last row of the above table, the average rating presented is from 1 to 5 where 1 means Strong Buy and 5 means Strong Sell.
The presented Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast (traded under symbol OSK), for forward-twelve-months price target as shown at the top of this page, gives you the average Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast for forward target price for symbol OSK, across the 14 analysts covering Oshkosh Corp (New) (OSK), as reported in
data provided by Zacks Investment Research via Quandl.com.
Investors should also take note that the median Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast price target (i.e. representing the middle ground number where half of analysts had a higher Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast and half had a lower Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast) was $124.0 as of 2025-02-12 (which is a different mathematical metric versus taking the average or mean), while the
highest Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast in the analyst group was $179.0, and the lowest Oshkosh Corp (New) stock forecast in the analyst group was
$95.0, with a standard deviation of $19.161. Get the latest Zacks research report on OSK — FREE
Top Analyst Picks of the Dow
The Top 20 Largest U.S. Stocks By Market Cap
Company Name: |
Oshkosh Corp (New) |
Stock buyback: |
OSK buyback |
Website: |
www.oshkoshcorp.com |
Sector: |
Auto Manufacturers |
Number of ETFs Holding OSK: |
136 |
Total Market Value Held by ETFs: |
$1.47B |
Total Market Capitalization: |
$7.17B |
% of Market Cap. Held by ETFs: |
20.54% |
February 12, 2025 5:36 PM Eastern
 Buy (2.86 out of 4)
14th percentile