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Synovus Financial Corp Buyback

OLI recorded this information on 10/20/2015

Company: Synovus Financial Corp
Buyback: SNV buyback
$Amount Authorized: $300,000,000
Buyback Details: We are pleased to announce a $300 million share repurchase program to be executed over the next 15 months and a 20% increase in our quarterly common stock dividend. Our ability to take this action is a direct result of our sustained growth, significantly improved risk profile, and strong capital position, said Kessel D. Stelling, Synovus Chairman and CEO. "Our performance in the third quarter demonstrated our team's continued progress in growing loans, especially in high-growth markets; in growing core deposits across our footprint; and in improving the quality of our balance sheet. Moving ahead, we are actively engaged in initiatives that generate growth, specifically in areas that further diversify our balance sheet and improve our fee income contribution. We continue to add revenue-generating talent at an aggressive pace while also managing expenses to support our investments in growth. Above all, our team remains committed to serving customers and winning new relationships."

Synovus Financial Corp. is a financial service and bank holding company. It conducts its banking operations through Synovus Bank (the Bank). The Bank operates primarily throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Co.'s segments include Wholesale Banking, Community Banking, Consumer Banking, Financial Management Services and Treasury and Corporate Other. Its commercial banking services include commercial, financial, and real estate lending, treasury management, asset management, capital markets services, and institutional trust services.

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Company Name:  Synovus Financial Corp
Stock buyback:  SNV buyback
Sector:  Banking & Savings
Number of ETFs Holding SNV:  135
Total Market Value Held by ETFs:  $1.87B
Total Market Capitalization:  $7.93B
% of Market Cap. Held by ETFs:  23.54%

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